More options of instrumentation when uploading

• Jul 21, 2018 - 13:32

When I upload a new score, i have to choose the instrumentation from too small a list for my purposes. I choose CHORAL which is incorrect. I write Christian "songs" for congregational singing. These include settings of Scripture, new tunes for old hymns, new songs by myself, including 30 Little Songs for Little People. I have 309 scores on Musescore, I would suggest CHRISTIAN CONGREGATIONAL SONG


Hi Merle,

To explain a bit of what that feature is, it is simply to help people find works based on the instruments used in the score, rather than the content of the score itself.

I do agree that it can be very helpful to have more definitive options to help better locate more specific types of content. I do know that the team is looking at how to best improve this for the future.

In the meantime, if there are not currently any groups on dedicated to congregational works, it might be an interesting idea to create one and add your works there (and encourage other to do the same). It can not only help these works to be easily discovered, but create a great way to communicate with others with similar interest.

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