How to add at the bottom of a page a "Played" staff fragment with notes

• Aug 4, 2018 - 17:35

Part III of the Haydn Trumpet Concerto has a citing at the bottom of the page that indicates how a two sixteenths and an eighth figure should be played. The citing contains a staff fragment and some notes (i.e., sixteenth and thirty-second notes). Does MuseScore have a feature to accomplish this? It would amount to placing a word, Played, adjacent to the staff fragment.


Sounds like you are describing an ossia, but one placed in the footer rather than directly above the relevant measure? Either way, an easy way to do it is to enter the music somewhere, use the "Image capture" tool (far right of the toolbar) to take a snapshop of it, then paste the image where you want it - eg, into a frame you've placed at the bottom of the page, or onto the first note of the measure you want to attach it to.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc: That helps a lot. I was able to create a PNG file and copy it into a frame. However, I cannot figure out how to create either a text or vertical frame placed after the last staff on p. 5 of a seven-page document. I've tried every one of the three frame types. Say, for example, that I create a text frame anchored on the first measure of p.6. I cannot get it to move back one page to p.5. (Frames seem to be placed only above the selected measure.) I even tried making room for it on p.5 by using spacers, hoping the p.6 frame would take advantage of the space that opened up at the bottom of p.5. Can I accomplish my intent? If so, how?

In reply to by Lawrence Iverson

To clarify: yes, inserting a frame puts it before the selected measure. If there is room on the previous page, it will go there, if not it won't. So make sure there is room, and no page break preventing it from fitting. Adding a spacer actually worked against you - spacers create space, they don't allow more things to fit into that space. You need to make sure there is enough space on the page based on the minimum system distance and margins in Style / General / Page.

Thanks, Mark and Mike. Your responses enabled me to finish my little project. Also, the hints about frames, page breaks, and spacers helped me through some other problems.

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