Recovery of a file that cannot be opened

• Aug 28, 2018 - 22:11

I have put a lot of work in a score and saved it constantly, but after a problem with my PC the file seems to be corrupt and MuseScore cannot open it any more. The mscz.-file is also of no help. And: there´s no backup file in the folder C:\Users\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore2 either :-(

Hopefully there is a chance to get the file recovered by the support team!

Thanks and best regards, Flederfux

Attachment Size
Minuit Chretien.mscz 50.48 KB


Unfortunately this file seems beyond repair - while it is a valid ZIP file, there is no score information in it at all. It's not a particular type of corruption we see often. Did you perhaps have the file open in a ZIP program at the same time?

Anyhow, I take it you are on Windows? If you are using OneDrive, then you should be able to recover an older version that way.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your help! Why zip-file? I thought I uploaded a mscz-file. I did not use a zip programm at all. The file size 51k seems ok, because the backup-file from the session before has 49k and is missing the song text. That is why I was hoping that recovery would be possible. Yes, I´m on WIN10, but saving the file locally. The settings say that auto-save shall happen every 2 minutes, but the last file I find in the mentioned folder is from 12.02
I guess I will have to take this file and do all the work again.

In reply to by Flederfux

The auto-save versions are deleted when you exit the program and/or successfully close the file - they are just there to recover in the event of a crash.

I see what you mean about file size, though. It is indeed consistent with an archive that actually contains more meaningful content. But when I open it I see only the thumbnail and some meta info. I then see there is a warning about extra content. It's conceivable some sort of ZIP repair tool could recover that data. Again, this is not a form of corruption we see often, so it's hard to say.

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