Delete "invisible" rest

• Sep 2, 2018 - 17:40

Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at 18.38.23.png
I have this really strange bar that doesn't even add to 1 (the time sig is 4/4). I want to delete those grey rests to balance it but I can't. Any suggestions?


Looks like an irregular measure of 6/4 with the "excess" rests having been made invisible. Has this score been imported from a PDF? Can you share the score so we can see better?

Was this score perhaps the result of attempting an import from PDF? That will often create many problems like this - the tools doing the conversion are still quite experimental and error-prone.

If you managed to get yourself into this situation yourself from scratch, it would be interesting to find out more about how. It would normally be pretty difficult to do accidentally.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, it was an import from PDF, and I was cleaning it up so that score is correct. The error here was the fact that one bar suddenly became 6/4. But actually, my question is not about that, I can easily create it from scratch, imagine I have this bar:

Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at 19.41.19.png

Now I decided that I don't want the second E, and I want the bar instead of E E F G be E F G A. I delete it and instead of notes moving left I have undeletable rest:

Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at 19.41.30.png

And to fix this I need to copy-paste notes to the left.

In reply to by Andrey Syschikov

Yes, but this is a different case - you didn't actually create a 6/4 measure. Nor do you need to delete the beat represented by that rest - you simply need to enter the music you want there instead. You could have skipepd the unnecessary step of deleting the E and the even more unnecessary step of of "deleting" (hiding) the rest, but either way, your next step remains the same - cut & paste the notes you want from beats 3 & 4 where they are now to beats 2 & 3 where you want them. Would have been simpler to have just done that in the first place, but the unnecessary extra steps you took thus far in no way complicate the job ahead. Only rthe messed-up PDF import actually adds these additional steps to the process, where you need to manually fix the measure duration.

The point is, rests are meant to be undeletable; that'a not a bug. Measures are supposed to have a certain number of beats and only taking explicit action (via Edit / Measures or Measure Properties) will change the actual duration of the measure. No amount of cutting, pasting, or adding or deleting notes or rests, is ever supposed to get you into this undesirable position of having a measure whose duration does not match the time signature.

Took me a while to cop this. Basically the actual bar duration is wrong. This can happen with imported PDFs. To fix, right click any note in the affected bar, go into Bar Properties..., go to the Bar Duration section and change the actual bar duration to the correct length.

In reply to by Patjackman

That works great if the extra rest is at the end of the measure, if it's anywhere else you chop off notes, so you have to cut and paste those notes to the correct spot in the measure in that case. Also in the case of PDF import, you need to make sure there are no notes in other than voice 1.

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