Disregard, please ignore: Wrong articulation direction

• Sep 16, 2018 - 20:43

EDIT: Please disregard, this is a doublette!


The direction and anchor is automatic for both articulations. But why is the voice 1 articulation displayed below and voice 2 articulation above?

The file has been a MusicXML import from Capella Scan. I reduced it the the minimum.

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.0.0, revision: 9dac228

Attachment Size
demo-articulation-direction.mscz 2.62 KB


For me, in this case, only the up position, only one for the 2 notes.

In the Inspector you can choose the position.

A question, How the musicien play theses 2 accents in the same time, one says short, the other says all the length

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