Playing back with repeats

• Sep 18, 2018 - 00:53

Hello, I hope you can help me. I made a piano arrangiment for Carol of the Bells and for some reason every time I try to play it the program doesn't take the repeats or first and second endings. I am updated to the newest version.


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There are a few reasons the repeats don't work. If you attach your score (the .mscz file) to your reply, I or someone will look at it and explain what you did wrong.

In reply to by HMN

If you double click the voltas, especially volta 1, you will see that the red dotted anchor line is attached to the end of the first measure covered by the volta. Even though you double clicked the line and made it look longer, it still only affected that one isolated measure. If a volta 1 does not end at a repeat, the volta is ignored. The proper way to apply the volta is to select all 4 measures you want it to cover and double click it in the palette. You have done the same thing with volta 2, but it only looks ugly and does not affect playback.

In reply to by mike320

If a volta 1 does not end at a repeat, the volta is ignored.
That's no longer true since MuseScore 2.2. In his file, you'll notice that the 1 measure (41) that is effectively spanned by the volta1 is indeed skipped upon repeat.

But yes, only visually extending the line rather than changing the anchor point is the underlying issue here. See for more info on how to correctly add and change the length of a line.

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