Trouble with duplicating this image?

• Sep 18, 2018 - 01:23

I'm trying to duplicate what is seen in the image below. I'm new to musescore and have no plans on publishing what I'm working on, I'm just building it so I can better learn how to use musescore. Any advice on how I can build that?

Attachment Size
Pedal..PNG 36.29 KB


You can put in a regular pedal line then right click the pedal line. In the popup menu, choose Line properties and change the text to what you want to see in each of the 3 places as necessary. The 3 places are the start of the line, what will be displayed if the line crosses a break and the end of the line. Any or all of them are allowed to be blank.

You will need to use a separate voice for the 32nd notes (demisemiquavers) in the bass clef. For help with voices, please see There will be a half note (minim) rest left over, which can be marked as invisible, but depending on your version of MuseScore, you may not be able to delete it. This is by design.

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