Split measure of only one part?

• Sep 21, 2018 - 20:52

I have a recitative that makes the one measure of the exported solo part longer than the page. The notes are running over to the second page and overlapping on the second page. I have tried to select a note and split the measure but it must not be possible on one part only. I've included a picture. Does someone have a work around so I can divide the measure up?

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Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 3.50.30 PM.png 21.08 KB


What you want to do is impossible.

Workaround: Remove the parts you generated using the delete button in the Parts dialog until they are all gone and click OK. You can then split the measure in the entire score and then extract the parts again. I suggest that you right click the second half of the measure and click Measure properties and check the "Exlude from count" box. Since every part must have the same measures, in the parts you don't want to have the measure split between the two lines, make the barline separating them invisible by pressing v. Do the same thing in the main score. It's advisable to make the barline in the part where the score spans lines invisible as a signal to that musician that the measure continues on the next line.

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