Musescore using coloured ink

• Nov 29, 2018 - 09:43

My coloured ink has been disappearing. So since I print in black and white most of the time I switched off the colour in the computer settings.
So musescore printed blank pages. Nothing. Plenty of black ink but nothing.
I am gutted the cost of the coloured ink is huge. I had hoped it would last for a long time and it have gone.
Why? oh why does musescore use coloured ink to print black and white scores?
Now I am printing via pdf. So much cheaper but a but of a faff.


Is this also/still the case with 3.0 Beta?

Anyway, in 2.3.2 I see the following printer dialog:
and when going to Settings (Einstellungen) I see:
And sure enough there it defaults to colored (Farbe), but allows switching to black and white (Schwarzweiß).

Different for you? Printing colored regardless of setting it to B/W there?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I have now set mine to Black and White, (SchwarzWeiss) and now I get nothing absolut gar nichts just blank sheets.

Since most of my printing has been from Musescore, I can only assume up to now it has been eating my coloured inks. I had to pay £125 to replace them and I had only printed about 50 true coloured sheets.

Not sure where your pics come from, the ones in my copy of Musescore are slightly different. I am using a Ricoh printer. Set mine to B and W within my windows 10 settings. So it will only print colour now when I choose to do so. Which is rare.

I can print pdf files ok on B and W. It just means exporting them and uploading to a pdf desktop.

I am currently running 2.3.2. Sorry no idea about beta.

In reply to by citizenz

It's actually quite common for programs / printers to default to color printing unless you explicitly specify otherwise. Some printers come with a specific warning about this. Since MuseScore does support the ability to add color in a variety of ways, I can't us changing the default, but as long as it's possible to use the same overrides that other programs use, that seems like it should be fine.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

But when I set system to black and white it prints nothing, And when it prints black notes it uses colour as well so uses up the colour to print black and white.
I am not the only one, others say their colour ink has been disappearing too.
I do not mind colours using colour, I just mind black notes being overprinted in colour which you cannot see except and then have need to pay for a new cartridge.

In reply to by citizenz

Indeed, you are not the only one - as I said, most program and most printers work this way, so most people experience this problem; only a few probably notice it :-).

Not sure what you mean about nothing being printed when your "set system to black and white" - are you talking about setting you are making in your printer driver? Seems like a bug to take up with your printer manufacturer if so. That options works for my printers.

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