Can I store MuseScore on external SSD storage?

• Feb 22, 2019 - 21:21

Apologies if I'm on the wrong forum, but I couldn't figure out the right one to post this on.

I've been given an HP Netbook that's perfect for me except for the abysmal memory. Musescore takes up most of this memory, leaving not enough space for Windows updates. To fix this, I'm planning to get external SSD storage of, say, 32 or 64GB, which seems more than adequate for anything I could contemplate doing.

I'm not very savvy technologically. I'm led to believe that, while you can only store documents and files on an SD card, you can keep programs like MuseScore on external/portable hard drives. Is this true?


I would suggest that you use a portable version, but I can't find where they've hidden it for version 3. Perhaps someone who knows where it is will answer.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oh. But I thought that a portable or external hard drive was just like an extension of your own computer's / laptop's hard drive I already have MuseScore 3 installed on my internal hard drive and it works fine, but takes up most of the (pitiful) available memory there. I'm just wanting to shift it to an external SSD to save memory for the system stuff that can only happen on the internal drive, like updates. Is this not possible?

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