Eb Bari

• Feb 27, 2019 - 12:28

Here's the problem I constantly struggle with. I play Bari with large (amateur) wind orchestra and they supply me with Bari parts written in the treble clef. I scan these into Photoscore Lite and save them as XML. Then open a new MS score in the treble clef with whatever Key sig the original score showed. The music is a copy of the original supplied but is sounding in Concert. If I transpose it to the correct sounding pitch (3 semitones) it plays correctly but reads incorrectly. Could someone PLEASE give me a blow by blow sequence to do this properly?
thanks in advance


Would you attach a sample score that shows the problem. Use Save selection on the first 10 measure of a score will be fine. I know what I need to do, but my theory seems to fail at some point. I know there is a straight forward way to do it, I just keep messing it up since I don't have an actual score to fix.

I'm guessing when you say "new MS score in treble clef" you mean, using the treble clef template. Don't. Instead, use "Choose instruments" and actually select bari sax as your instrument. Or, use the treble template, but immediately right-click the staff then use Staff Properties / Change Instrument to change it to bari sax. Either way, you'll need to enter the key signature as concert pitch.

Once you've set that up, you can enter your notes as you see them written, and they will play correctly.

If you have scores already entered incorrectly, you can fix them by first transposing them to play correctly (not just 3 semitones, needs to be 3 semitones plus two octaves!), then change the instrument to bari sax as described above. It will be transposed as appropriate to display correctly while still also playing correctly.

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