even lyrics superimpose odd lyrics until reload

• Mar 6, 2019 - 20:26
Reported version
S4 - Minor

1) Acrescentar letra (ímpar)
2) Acrescentar letra (par)
A letra fica junto com a anterior (ímpar). É necessário fechar o programa e abrir novamente para voltar ao normal.


Title Letras Letters
Status active needs info

Google translate:
1) Add letter (odd)
2) Add letter (even)
The letter is next to the previous one (odd). You must close the program and open it again to return to normal.

Sorry, still doesn't make sense to me, please explain better

Quando eu acrescento a letra (par, segunda estrofe) ela fica junto (sobre) a letra ímpar (primeira) estrofe, ficando inelegível. Quando fecho o programa e abro o arquivo novamente a letra (par) vai para o local devido (abaixo da letra ímpar, primeira estrofe).

Title Letters even lyrics superimpose oll lyrics untill reload
Status needs info active

Google translate again:
When I add the letter (even, second stanza) it stays together (over) the odd letter (first) stanza, becoming ineligible. When I close the program and open the file again the letter (even) goes to the proper location (below the odd letter, first stanza).

Did I get the title right then?
However I still don't understand this and can't reproduce. What version of MuseScore, which Operating System, can you share a sample score?

Title even lyrics superimpose oll lyrics untill reload even lyrics superimpose odd lyrics until reload

Translation of original post:
1) Add Lyrics (odd)
2) Add Lyrics (pair)
The Lyrics are next to the previous ones (odd). You must close the program and open it again to return to normal.

Severity S2 - Critical S4 - Minor
Type Wording/Translation Functional

Translation of OP's response:
When I add the lyrics (pair, second stanza) they stay together (over) the odd lyrics (first) stanza, becoming illegible. When I close the program and open the file again the Lyrics (pair) go to the proper location (below the odd lyrics, first stanza).

I would say that since a reload fixes the issue it's minor, and of course it's a functional issue not an issue with the translation of the program. I'm not sure, but I think I remember seeing this issue before.

En español

Yo diría que, dado que una recarga soluciona el problema, es un problema menor, y por supuesto es un problema funcional, no un problema con la traducción del programa. No estoy seguro, pero creo que recuerdo haber visto este problema antes.

El rastreador de problemas se supone que está en inglés. Puedes discutir temas en el foro (https://musescore.org/es/forum). Si no se siente cómodo al ingresar un problema, estoy dispuesto a ayudarlo. Superviso el foro en español, aunque no domino el español.