• Mar 9, 2019 - 15:47

Hi II am using Musescore 3 and I would like my chord symbols to be written below the notes. I have tried entering negative values in the chord alignment area of "styles" but chords will only appear above the stave.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yep well that worked though not quite in the way you suggested because when I pressed the "S" button the chord position reverted back to default. As you suggested I entered chords in default position, selected 1 chord, chose "similar elements", opened "Inspector" and changed position without pressing "S". Don't think that's right though. Surely I should be able to change chord position by using the "Style" menu as per the tutorial. Seems like I've got a bug or glitch.

In reply to by maramaxmusic

I think insted of pressing "S" you probably accidentally pressed the Reset button next to it.

Using the Style menu does work also for setting positions numerically, but as mentioned, a bug prevents it from affecting already-entered chord symbols until save/reload (or until you use the Reset button). the bug is fixed for the next update. Even so, this won't be the way to get the chords below the staff, only to affect the offset (how far above, as it uses the default placement always).

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