New update sucks up memory

• Mar 11, 2019 - 01:29

I upgraded to the newest build of MS3:
OS: Windows 7 SP 1 (6.1), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: cda4080

It now takes a good 25-30 seconds to open any score. I have a score which I write in MS2, and then converted it to MS3.

Attached are three versions of the same score. One is in MS2 version, one is the one I've edited several times in MS3. The third one is the most recent "save in MS2, open in MS3 and resave it".

It seems that every time I edit the file, it gets larger. And when I try to open the MS3 version, I get MuseScore 3 (Not Responding) in my title bar, and after about 25-30 seconds the file does open. In my Windows Task Manager my usage of MuseScore3 is over 1.4GB of memory.

I only noticed this with the most recent update of MuseScore.

Also, when I close the song file (without closing MuseScore) and I open other files, the memory usage keeps going up and up. Again, only noticed that with the most recent update of MuseScore.

Otherwise, I still love it and think it is a fantastic product!!


Something is definitely wrong with the third file I opened it and did a save as... with no further edits and the size grew to 2.95 MB.

Someone who can debug this will need to look at it and decide what needs to be done for the bug report.

Bosnian medley - done in 2, resaved in 3

There are many recurring font definitions::

starting on (line 191 ):

<font id="1" family="default">
          <sym name="#" code="0x266f"/>
          <sym name="b" code="0x266d"/>
        <font id="2" family="FreeSerif">
        <font id="3" family="default">
        <font id="4" family="default">
        <font id="5" family="FreeSerif">

repeated ....
and the last sequence on: line 73308:

        <font id="24373" family="default">
        <font id="24374" family="default">
        <font id="24375" family="FreeSerif">

And has many repetitive chord shortcut definitions:

starting on: line 73317 :



and the last sequence: line 135246:


Number of lines wasted: 135045 .

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