Weird way to get in to this forum

• Apr 9, 2019 - 20:50

Hi, gang!!!

I wonder why each time I get in to this forum the system takes me to the site first...

Even more, sometimes, it opens that site, not this.

I wonder... Why not to have a direct gate to THIS forum (full independent from the other page)? ???

just an idea.

Blessings and Greetings from Chile, South America!!!



In reply to by underquark

I'm talking about to the process to LOG IN.

See the pictures below.

I go to the address, yes. But, when I log in... The system take me to the, as you can see into the address line of the Mozilla Firefox navigator of the first image!!!

Then when I log in, the system take me back to the adress.

That's what I'm talking about!!!

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