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• Apr 29, 2019 - 16:36

So, my musescore has been lagging really bad, updated it and still lags, and whenever I press space to play the score it jumps about four measures ahead, what to do?
The score isn't that big btw, so it wouldn't be the source of the lag. Also in case anyone is wondering, musescore is/was only using 146 MB of RAM.


Are you in continuous view? If so, there are a handful of others that have reported something similar. Try page view instead. And if you attach your score, it will increase the likelihood that one of the developers will be able to reproduce and fix the issue.

In reply to by [DELETED] 24774736

Of course I won't; that doesn't happen, and in any case, you have complete rights to your own work the moment you write it.

Anyhow, I loaded your score and see problems right away with voltas - you've got five different first endings before the very first repeat. So that's not going to make sense in playback. Beyond that, can you give precise step-by-step instructions to reproduce any other problems you are seeing?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So, I just realize I replied to the wrong comment so, here's what I said: so, I click on "Measure: 75 Beat:1 Staff:1" and then it loops measure 82, and for "Measure: 83 Beat:1 Staff:1" it does the same thing up instead loops measure 94 it does this for some more measures as well, would you like me to list them all?

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