lute tablature problem

• May 30, 2019 - 14:13

In the lute tablature "advanced style properties", I think there is a problem in the note value repeat section: "At new system" seems to render the same as "At new measure". Also, there seems to be something wrong with the display being not entirely visible (on the same page). Please see photo attached. Thank you for a fantastic software!!!
Peter Chase

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MuseScoreProblem.png 193.28 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

"In the lute tablature "advanced style properties", I think there is a problem in the note value repeat section: "At new system" seems to render the same as "At new measure"."

Unfortunately, you're right. This is one more step back. Miwarre (the developer of the MuseScore tablatures) no longer intervenes, and unfortunately, this tablature section goes from bad to worse, from regression to regression that no one seems to care about. It's distressing.
Please fill an issue here:

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In order of priority, I would say:
1) this one has become a real waste. Settings no longer work as expected: #284002: Tablature: unexpected default behavior with tied fret mark and parenthesis
So, this one: #290011: [Tablature] Note value repeat section: "At new system" renders the same as "At new measure" (display "Note values/Repeat": at "new system" vs. at "new measure" is broken)
And: #147031: Note symbols are truncated in Tab Preview (reported in Nov. 2016)
And: #276511: Entering notes with mouse fails in Italian TAB

And some others (I know them less well, not having reported them myself): #270551: [EPIC] Tablature issues

In reply to by cadiz1

The second is brand new, so no surprise we haven't fixed it yet. The first was the main one I noticed in my search as well. I will make sure we look at that. I saw the third too but didn't realize it was a regression - it was submitted so long ago, and the description didn't make that clear that it only applied to development builds. Last one I missed because it doesn't have the word "tablature", and searching on "tab" alone yields too many false hits. I see, though, that this too is not a regression in 3.0, but was introduced during 2.x updates.

Anyhow, if you look at the "EPIC" issue for tablature, you will see it lists issues already resolved over the past year (so you can see just how much we have actively fixed). And the ones left open are mostly not regressions but suggestions for improvements in new features added since the original 2.0 release.

I would encourage you to mention this EPIC in the comments of any issue you'd like to see addressed, so it automatically shows up in the list of linked issues within the EPIC. And I think if you look at the long list of what has been fixed, and the much shorter list of remaining regressions, the picture maybe isn't quite as bad it may have seemed at first.

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