During playback, the duration of tied unison notes is extended to the end of the next following note of the same pitch, if one voice is muted

• Jun 24, 2019 - 12:08
Reported version
S3 - Major

During the playback of a small section of the attached score, the duration of the playback of a particular note is extended to the end of the following (several measures later) next note of the same pitch.

The attached score, downloaded from the Musescore library, served as the basis for my adaptation in which I noticed the peculiarity. Since it has the same problem, if the problem is peculiar to the score, then it would be something my adaptation inherited and I thought it would be better to use the original in the example.

To produce the problem:

  1. Initiate Musescore and open the attached score.
  2. In response to the "Reset the position of all elements?" I answer "No" (although I don't think it makes any difference because I answered "Yes" for my adaptation).
  3. Open the Mixer and, for the Soprano track:
    a. Select "S" (Solo) to mute the other tracks.
    b. Change the patch to "Alto Sax. Expr." just to get a more pronounced sound
    c. Mute Voice 2. (If Voice 2 isn't muted the problem doesn't appear)
  4. Close the Mixer
  5. Page down to the page beginning with measure 25 and scroll down to measure 28.
  6. Establish playback starting position be selecting either first note in measure 28
  7. Initiate playback.

What I hear using my old laptop running Windows 10 Version 1809 is that the last note in measure 28, the B in both Voice 1 and Voice 2 that are tied over to the first note in measure 29, is not terminated after the first note in measure 29 but continues to sound until it is terminated at the termination of the B encountered at the end of measure 31 and ending in the beginning of measure 32.

In the little experimentation I have done, the problem goes away if I delete the Voice 2 Bs in measures 28/29 or uncheck 'play' in the Inspector for the Voice 2 Bs in measures 28/29 or, as previously noted, don't mute Voice 2 in the Mixer. I tried deleting the tie between the Voice 2 Bs in measures 28/29 with no effect.


Title During playback, the duration of some notes is extended to the end of the next following note of the same pitch During playback, the duration of tied unison notes is extended to the end of the next following note of the same pitch, if one voice is muted