Page setting inside section break

• Jul 5, 2019 - 09:11

I would like the page setting may be modified in each section break.
To do this, it would be necessary that in the properties of the section break the parameters of the page can be modified only for this section


These are the reasons why I wish this feature:
My work on MuseScore essentially consists of transcribing opera choir scores to help choir members learn their part. We play the opera on stage without a score but we rehearse with the printed score purchased.
In order to make learning and memorization much easier, the choristers are asking me more and more to copy the pagination and especially the layout of the printed score. That's understandable: We usually have between 100 and 200 pages to know by heart!
However, in an opera scene, the actors are constantly changing and the layout is therefore modified according to the characters' inputs and outputs.
This means that if I choose layout parameters adapted to the beginning of the scene, there is a good chance that these parameters will very quickly be unsuitable.
So I have to systematically use staff spacers for each page but it can be really time-consuming; for example I just entered a final of 30 printed pages and I had to install no less than 320 spacers!
I would like to be able to reduce this large number of manipulations by creating section breaks on contiguous and similar pages for which I could use page parameters specific to these sections.

In reply to by Papibois

While I can certainly see how this could occasionally be useful, I'm not sure I understand your use of staff spacers. Is it just to add unneccesary extra white space between staves on pages where the system isn't as full? I guess some editors do that, others don't. Rather than require people to manually change staff distance settings page to page, better I think would be to have "min" and "max" staff distances that MuseScore automatically floats between, just as we already do for system distance. This has been suggested and discussed and I suspect will someday find its way in.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Good evening Marc, you're right: It's often to add unnecessary white spaces between staves on pages where systems don't fill the page. But it is also to align the staves on pages that follow one another but in which some contributors disappear and then come back.
That being said, your approach to the issue seems interesting to me and would solve a good part of my problem.
I feel that this case is probably quite rare but I hope that developers will still consider it one day.
Thank you for your answer

In reply to by Papibois

What takes me the longest is to set up the staff spacers one by one.
A good workaround solution would therefore be for the staff spacers to be installed simultaneously on all staves of a system.
For developers this may be easier to design... I hope so !

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