Splitting notes between clefs/hands

• Jul 12, 2019 - 16:24

I'm trying to write this on my sheet:
musescore goal.PNG

But I can't figure out how to add the whole note. I have written the bass clef already by just originally writing the top notes in the treble clef and shifting them down (using ctrl+ shift+ down arrow), but I don't think I can do that and add the whole note because it will remove the top notes when I do that. Is there a different way to write this so I can add all the notes?


From what you are saying, it sounds like you might only have one staff rather than a grand staff. If you add a piano, you get a grand staff. You can enter the whole note on the top staff and quarter note chords on the left hand. Just click the rest in the measure, press N and enter the notes. Do this on each staff. Let MuseScore put everything in the default voices.

To be clear: to enter the above, you should not enter the quarter notes then move them down below. You should simply enter them on the staff below directly in the first place (click the measure in the bottom staff before entering note input mode).

Doing it the way you did produces the wrong results in several respects, introduces the need for multiple voices which are totally unnecessary here and just serve to overcomplicate things with the further need to fake things in terms of rests and stem directions. The capability is there for cases where it is needed, but nothing about the example shown suggests it is such a case.

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