Scripting Api

• Oct 4, 2019 - 14:31

My apologies if this has been asked or requested before -
Is there a general scripting api available for Musescore?

I have a larger number of music sheets around and want to process them from the command line. For example,
o re-generate PDF for all changed sheets
o set version
o apply different template
o ...

It's extremly cumbersome to process them manually with the GUI.

Greetings, Wolfgang


Do you know about the plugin api? Not quite the same as scripting, and the set of facilities and objects exposed is highly selective (and programming it is a black art).

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

To give away the vicious rabbit's secret, QML is a use of Javascript by the portable Qt GUI/App framework in which MS is implemented, to provide access not to just Qt's facilities, but the application's (MS's) interfaces and structures such as made available by it to Qt, so "MS QML" is a superset/instantiation of "QML" which a superset/instantiation of Javascript (don't ask what version thereof, please).

There is no way to apply a template to an existing score. What are you trying to do in that case, perhaps there is a way to do what you are trying to do.

As for converting scores to PDF, the is a batch mode that allows you to convert all of your scores to PDF, but I've never used it. Perhaps someone familiar with it will reply.

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