Musescore on my phone

• Oct 8, 2019 - 11:38

I have got musescore on my computer and I have purchased it on my phone. The only way I can get songs I create on computer to my phone is to send to the cloud. Is there any way you could make it easy to upload songs that I have created to put on my phone. I paid for musescore on phone. I want to be able to listen from phone and also have the phone have more features like computer. I paid for one on phone otherwise not sure what I am paying for with hardly no features on phone.



You'd need to to with issue regarding the mobile apps.
The pro version of the app allows for accessing/storing scores offline on your local device, the non-pro one can only access scores on, online.
But those apps are not capable of editing score, just playing, transposing, printing.
For editing scores you need the MuseScore desktop program for Windows, macOS, Linux.

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