creating sheet music from an MP3 file

• Oct 12, 2019 - 18:28

How can I create sheet music from an MP3 file, when searching on Google, the Musescore website says it can be done but on downloading and looking it can only do the same as other programmes. Help please as I want to produce sheet music for my own use from MP3 files of the songs


The analogy I often make is to speech recognition, but think of it as about 100 times harder, with 100 times less development effort being spent on it because demand is 100 times less.

So, imagine taking Siri into a crowded room and asking her to transcribe all the conversations happening - simultaneously. That's about what this is.

I have poor quality recording to work with so none of the programs that claim to transcribe do very well. I do have the chords so the best I can do, since I have poor music skills, is running the file through Anthemscore, exporting it to Musescore and then deleteting all the notes just to get the key and the proper number of measures. I then export the mp3 using a video editing software to Youtube. Then I upload the musescore file to the web and link the youtube and sync the audio to the musescore web file. Go back and forth many times until I get the chords in the proper measures. One better quality audio files with clear melody Anthemscore comes close. If Anthemscore had an on screen interface like Musescore it would be a great solution as that is the only solution I found that plays the midi simultaneously with the audio. All the other programs either play the audio or the midi so it is a nightmare to check you work if you have a poor ear and little sense of rhythm. Musescore web has a good interface to sync the audio to the measures but you can't play the audio and the midi at the same time. I tried upgraded versions of Flat and Soundslice but both had interface issues but some other features were promising if they fix their shortcomings. Musescore could give us the solution if they would add the feature of linking an audio file to the sheet music. Why they did it on the web but not in the desktop is beyond me.

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