Transpose Dialog remembers previous position even when this is now offscreen/invisible

• Oct 26, 2019 - 14:27

Applies to v3.2.3
Easy to reproduce: plug in a second screen, open tools/transpose and drag the dialog box to your 2nd screen.
Close Musescore, unplug the 2nd screen, then reopen Musescore and try again to Transpose something.
The Transpose dialog box is now no longer visible ! It is apparently loaded, but offscreen somewhere !
Hence you can't transpose anything until you reconnect the original 2nd screen (even a substitute may not work, depending on size and config).
The software should obviously force all dialogs like this to be VISIBLE.


In reply to by mike320

Thanks for the reply - but I'm afraid it didn't help !

I had already tried all the standard Windows fixes - and none worked. Looks like this dialog is programmed in a particular way...

I just tried the Plug-in as well (Musescore 3 version). I tested it on 2 different Windows 10 systems - and couldn't get it to work on either. The plug installs and appears to run (shutting down the app as it does so) but the dialog box remains where it was. Looking inside the plugin code, is the "Tranpose" Dialog is even covered ? I don't see it listed ?

I love Musescore, but the upgrade to version 3 has been a really unhappy experience. I still can't recommend it to other musicians I know.

In reply to by Tafaner

That dialog is indeed not included by the plugin. I'll have to look into fixing that (looks like some other settings aren't used that way anymore either).

As a manual workaround:

  1. Close MuseScore
  2. Locate the settings file: MuseScore3.ini or .prefs (on windows in %APPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore3.ini
  3. Open it with a text editor (such as Notepad)
  4. Find the [Geometries] section
  5. Remove the line starting with TransposeDialog=
  6. Save this file
  7. Restart MuseScore

In reply to by Tafaner

I know nothing about the plugin except that it exists. Jeetee was its programmer and he says he'll fix it. The other methods, including factory reset were developed for the exact reason you describe (removing a monitor) and have worked on all systems I've been involved in discussions with. I've never seen the alt+space bar and factory reset fail before. For the alt+space method to work, you must be certain the window is open. I tested it on my system, and it does work on the Transpose window.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for the comments.
In fairness, I didn't try the "factory reset", because that was rather invasive - and I could simply reconnect the missing monitor to continue working. I trust that it would have worked.
But for those prepared to edit the INI file, Jeetee's workaround is a good one.
Thanks again !

In reply to by Tafaner

Feel free to start new threads explaining whatever other issues you are having with MuseScore 3. Despite some initial hiccups -0 just as MuseScore 2 had when it first came out - it is currently vastly superior to MuseScore 2 in virtually every conceivable way. I'm sure whatever problem you have been experiencing we can resolve for you. no reason to deprive other musicians of the wonderfulness that is MsueScore 3!

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