Length of LINES not adjusting correctly in proportion to measure width?

• Mar 15, 2020 - 11:03
Reported version
S3 - Major
by design

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 42da9ca

  1. Open the attached score, "hairpin_custom":
  2. Copy measure 1 to the first available empty measure.
  3. Copy measure 2 to the next available measure.

Note that in the second case, where the horizontal length of the hairpin has been previously adjusted, there is an obvious problem with the extent of the hairpin, which does not match the original measure.

Now open , "lines":

  • Measures 1-6 contains a section of music with appropriate section breaks.
  • Measures 7-12 contain exactly the same music as 1-6 (by copying the latter) but no section breaks.

Some corresponding lines have been highlighted in identical colours to make them easy to find. Compare these corresponding lines (and feel free to inspect others). It looks as if the lines may not be stretching correctly in proportion to changes in measure length. For example, the end hook of the line coloured lime green is in a different relative position in measure 11 than in measure 5.

Attachment Size
hairpin_custom.mscz 5.19 KB
lines.mscz 20.8 KB


Status active needs info

I'm not understanding how this differs from #302340: Hairpins: if length is adjusted, this is lost when copied, which as explained in https://musescore.org/en/node/302340#comment-984647 is actually not a bug.

In the hairpin example, your adjustment to the hairpin says, "make this 4sp shorter than the default". When you copied it to an otherwise empty measure, that's exactly what you get - a hairpin that is 4sp shorter than the default. The fact that this happens to be shorter proportionally because the measure itself is narrowed is not a bug, it's just a fact of life when making manual adjustments.

Same with the lines example, The light blue-green lines was customized to be about 2sp shorter than the default, and that's what it is in both places. It just happens to look different proportionally because the measures widths differ. The bright green line is different because it's split across systems and adjustments are specific to a system, but the same principle applies. The purple line has its adjustment at the start but in both places is adjusted about 2sp to the right.

So unless you are seeing something else here that isn't just a textbook example of why we always recommend attaching lines correctly and relying as little as possible on manual adjustment, I think this should be closed as "by design".

"we always recommend attaching lines correctly and relying as little as possible on manual adjustment"

IME, a good proportion of lines, particularly barres, require shortening as they overshoot the destination note by a good margin.

Sure, I didn't mean to suggest this particular example contained bad lines, just that this shows why bad lines are in fact bad. There can still be cases where you may need to rely on them, but just be aware, they work in absolute terms - you are adjusting by a given amount measured in sp, not some sort of relative "percentage of measure width" or "distance between two notes" terms.

BTW, different lines deliberately are coded to end in different places according to standard engraving principles - some end aligned with the left end note, some with the right edge, otherwise are designed to cover the full duration of the end note (and hence to the left endge of the next note, or barline, etc). Sounds like the specific line you are using is designed to cover the full duration but you'd rather it stop at the right edge. Probably a better way to get that effect would be to have the line stop one note short, so it would align to the left edge, then a fixed increase would do what you want in most cases. But a worthwhile suggestion to submit would be, adding a property to control how that alignment is performed.