
• Mar 16, 2020 - 14:36

I was working on a piece and I got a lot of it done, but then the whole thing crashed and it deleted everything. This happened multiple times. Could y'all add an autosave feature?


Autosave exists and is enabled by default and saves every 2 minutes..

Actualy we have quite a number of reports where that autosave is causing the crashes though, due to corruptions in one or more parts (a regular save crashes too in those cases)

INdeed, autosave is already there, so when you restart MuseScore after a crash, simply answer yes when it asks if you want to restore your previous session.

But also, while autosave is a nice backup, you should be saving your work yourself regularly as well of course.

In reply to by [DELETED] 32578829

So what did you see? No scores loaded at all, an empty score, or a score that didn't include your last two minutes of work (which would be normal)? How many scores did you have open at the time of the crash? Were any of them restored? Normally this works, I can't recall hearing of a case of MuseScore offering to restore then not actually doing so at all.

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