Key signatures won't show in Drums stave

• Apr 28, 2020 - 18:07

Our percussionist/drummer asked to have key-signatures included in the Drum parts, as it serves as a reference to the pieces' structures.

In "Stave/Parts Properties" > "[Advanced Style Properties]" I can tick "Show key signature". However, after applying the changes, the key signature is still not shown in the Drums stave. At some point I mistakenly managed to show a key signature which was completely unrelated to the piece's key signature though and didn't change when I changed the rest of the piece's key (and I didn't manage to reproduce this (supposed) glitch later).


You could fake it using images or symbols I guess. Personally I'd consider just adding text that says "Key change". I'm occasionally telling my drummers where the key changes are so they have a sense they might want to build into that section, etc. But realistically, not all key changes are so dramatic that they require special treatment.

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