MuseScore 3.6/4.0 Wishlist

• Nov 13, 2020 - 23:55

I've been using MuseScore pretty regularly for the last two years, and getting pretty good at creating elegant scores; but here are a few notational situation that I've found MuseScore has trouble with. I should preface this by saying that these are for the most part notation issues only--although I use playback regularly, I'm less concerned with it, and mainly use MS as a scorewriter. Also, they can all be remedied using adjustments or work-arounds, but they're all become standard notation, and shouldn't require a work-around.

I. Better handling of slur/ties curves--in particular:
--when a notehead is at the terminus of both a tie and a slur, the two often overlap.

 --when a ties/slur crosses a system which ends with a time-signature change, the curve extends to the very end of the staff; it should end at the barline which precedes the new time-signature.

 --laissez vibrer ties/slurs:  there are several ways to create them, all counter-intuitive work-arounds.  Also, a possibilty for realization in playback?

II. Compund time signatures: of the sort "3/4=6/8" or "3/4(6/8)." Simple to notate the rhythms, using beaming and measure properties, but creating the time-signature glyphs themselves is extremely cumbersome.

I expect many, if not all, of these are scheduled to be included in the next version(s); and if not, I hope it's not too late to do so. As always, thank you--

-- WF


I'm not aware of any issue for the first one mentioned (tie/slur ending before courtesy signature). If that's the universal standard should be easy enough to change, and if you get the issue in there might be time for 3.6.

The time signature configuration is being worked on already.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In symphonic notation, slurs and ties usually stop at the barline before a courtesy, MuseScore ignores this. @Oktophonie has mentioned this is on his list of things to fix I expext for version 4. There is a PR to improve the time signatures but I don't think it will get merged for 3.6 and tantacrul sounds like he's targeting 4.1 for this.

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