Aleotoric scoring?

• Dec 12, 2020 - 18:17

Is there a way to set up the score to have the measures detached a la John Cage chance music? Just little 1-4 bar phrases floating independent of each other?


I believe the most useful thing you will find is in #295722: FR: allow changing staff visibility mid-score which is implemented in version 3.6 which should have a beta soon, as in less than a week (we hope).
elerouxx did several improvements to staff visibility and changes in staff types. If you search for Staff type in the issues with a status of Any you will find several that are fixed (being put into 3.6) and several that are still open (no code has been accepted to fix them).

But also, see the "cutaway" properties in Staff/Part Properties, which makes empty measures go away. 3.6 will tweak the specifics of how this works, but the basic feature is already present and works well enough for most purposes.

This is just a thought off the cuff--from what I remember scores by Cage looking like--but wouldn't it make sense to generate those 1-4 bar phrases using Musescore, save them as image-capture files (pngs or pdfs), and then use some other, more graphically focused software to arrange them on the page?

Obviously, no playback, but a definitive performance isn't in the spirit of aleatoric music anyway.

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