Annoying Rests

• Dec 18, 2020 - 20:32

How can I, when creating music, get the software to stop adding rests I do not want?


Probably you are making one of three mistakes:

1) You might be trying to add notes in voice 2 without first using voice 1. Don't. Each staff needs to start with voice 1.

2) You might have enabled "Insert mode" on the note input toolbar. Don't, unless you specifically want more beats in the measure. MuseScore is normally designed to work in "replace mode" - actually called step-time.

3) You are being surprised by the completely normal rests that are necessary to keep your measures with the proper number of beats. Eg, upon entering a quarter note in 4/4, you need three beats of rest to fill out the measure, so that's what you get. This is the proper and expected behavior. That way if you stop entering notes, your measure has the right number of beats. And nif you enter more notes, they simply replace the rests automatically.

So, there shouldn't ever be extra rests you don't want if you are entering your music correctly (with voice 1 to start, and not using insert mode). If you continue to have difficulty, please attach your score and explain the problem in more detail so we can understand and assist better.

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