Pedal marking does not show when converted to PDF

• Jan 4, 2021 - 05:14

Hello administrators/developers,

Just wanted to make you aware that there seems to be a bug when exporting one particular pedal marking from MuseScore to PDF. Please see the attached image to see what I mean.

Would you be able to fix this?


Attachment Size
bug.png 7.57 KB


It is always better to attach the *.mscz file.
Make sure, via Inspector (F8) that you have not selected invisible line

If you select the pedal mark and open the inspector (press F8), you will see the line is not visible so will not print to any file or paper. It is a gray color on your screen but that's not real obvious unless you compare it to a visible line.

And to be clear: it's supposed to be this way. That is, with this type of old-fashioned pedal mark, you normally don't show the actual line, only the start and end symbols. The gray line is there on screen on for ease of editing, but it's not intended to print. The more modern pedal marking have the line only and now symbols at either end; these are intended to print.

Fixed - thanks for your help guys. I was going to ask why that pedal marking is invisible by default, but Marc has answered that question for me too. Much appreciated!

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