2 newbie questions (sorry!) Keyboard short cuts and 'Search'

• Jul 12, 2021 - 10:28

Morning, everyone from Wales UK.
I am very experienced in using notation software, but new to Musescore (consequence of shift to Linux).
The Manual refers in various places to keyboard shortcuts eg N for note entry, I for Instrument controls - but they are having no effect for me. Could someone please spell out the exact protocol(s) ?

And coming here in search of help, I can't see a 'Search' entry point for the actual Forum, which might have saved you (and me) this enquiry.
Many thanks
Ian G.
Wales UK


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Prerequisites for shortcuts N and I to work are:

  1. You have a score open in MuseScore
  2. You have not selected edit mode from the right click menu or double clicked on an item to put MuseScore into edit mode (see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/edit-mode#enter-edit-mode).
  3. You have not clicked in a data entry box in the Inspector (see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/inspector)
  4. You do not have another dialogue or menu open.

You can ensure you are in states 2, 3 and 4 by repeatedly pressing ESC.

To get into state 1. Use [File]>[New] and follow the dialogue.

Here's a score you can open in MuseScore to experiment on and not worry about messing it up:
Bach - Invention 13.mscz

For instance...
Open the score and press I (or menu item: Edit-> Instruments) to see the instruments.
Click on a note, or rest, press N to enter note entry mode.
Click on stuff and hit delete.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry about missing the magnifying glass - on an unfamiliar site, it's sometimes hard to know if you're looking for boxes, text or an icon.......
On the shortcut issue - the immediate comments drove me back to try again: and it seems to be that it is not (eg) N and I, but n and i. Anyway, issue solved. Thank you.
Impressed with the built-in sounds.
Ian G.

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