If I play my midi piano,with grand staff,will It write the treble and bass cleffs,as I perform,do you record sound to do this?

• Aug 13, 2021 - 19:49

While performing,can MUSESCORE write grandstaff ,with midi conroller piano,the treble and bass clefs,and how is this done?


Basically, no, AI technology has not come along so well as to produce readable sheet music when playing in real time with both hands - the issues involved are far too complex.

The best you can currently do with MuseScore is to record into a sequencer program, save as a standard MIDI file, then import that into MuseScore to let it attempt to sort of out which hand played what and all that, but the results will probably not be anything readable and will take more work to correct that to simply enter the music more directly.

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