Notes automatically input with tremolos

• Aug 24, 2021 - 03:14

I accidentally pressed a few buttons, and all of the sudden every time I enter a note it automatically is entered in with tremelo marks. It is only happening on one staff though (guitar, in TAB format). I can't seem to figure out how to get it back to normal - I'm sure it's something simple.....


  1. Does it happen on all TAB staves?
  2. Only for a certain note? Or for all of them?
  3. Any chance you've changed the "apply palette element" shortcut and it is now triggered during your entry as well?

In short: how are you entering your notes?

I'm guessing those aren't tremolo marks - that's one of the tab standards for how to notate half notes. If you prefer a different method of notating rhythm, try one of the other tab presets (simple, common, full) in Edit / Instruments, or customize further in Staff/Part Properties / Advanced Style Properties, on the Note Values tab.

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