Musescore Site Crashes When Attempting to Download or Print a Score

• Sep 1, 2021 - 03:36

As the subject states, when I attempt to download or print a score from my account, the page hangs and ultimately crashes. Other functions seem unaffected: Sending scores to Youtube, uploading a score, etc. I'm pretty sure this isn't an issue with my device, as I've tried it my desktop, laptop, phone, and Chromebox with the same result. I've also tried clearing my cache and downloading from a different browser, and still the page crashes. The software still runs fine though.

Just last night I downloaded multiple scores without any problems. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue. Perhaps the site admins are addressing it already?

Chrome Error Code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG


I gather you are talking about the score-sharing website Best to ask on the "Improving" group over there on that site.

In reply to by sailword

Tio be clear - the commercial score-sharing service is a totally separate entity from the free and open MuseScore notation software. Totally different people and infrastructure involved. We users who volunteer our time here on the support forums and also work to develop the software have no connection whatsoever to, no ability to investigate or fix issues with it even if we had the time and inclination.

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