control k for entering chords not working

• Nov 16, 2021 - 18:29

Hi there,
When I am trying to enter a chord, I click on the note I want and I click control K. Then I proceed to press which chord I want by typing in a letter. But when I play the piece, it just plays the note on its own and does not play the chord. Please any help to resolve this situation? I want to be able to hear the chord after I type it in


Are you on the current version of MuseScore (3.6.2)? Older versions of MuseScore didn't support this, and files that were originally created with older versions of MuseScore will have the feature turned off by default. The link given above shows how to turn it back on for those older scores.

If that doesn't help, please attach your score and tell us which chords are not playing back so we can understand and assist better.

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