Score layout

• Nov 20, 2021 - 04:58

I just downloaded a very nice transcription of Clifford Brown's Daahoud, and am going to us a portion of it for study, but I can't get the score to read left to right.. it scrolls up and down. The parts are fine... but the score itself is two measure wide and scrolls from top to bottom.
Could someone please help me discover what setting I need to adjust to get the score to be in a "normal" format.
Score is attached below.

I thank you in advance,
Jeff, Springfield MO

Attachment Size
Daahoud with Harmony part.mscz 38.96 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks, and I appreciate all the times you have helped me out.
I have changed PAGE VIEW to Single Page... but the score still lays out vertically not horizontally. I have worked with Musescore for probably 4-5 years and usually just do lead sheets and septet arrangements, but have never encountered this problem. It wasn't my score, so I am trying to work backwards and figure out how to get it to lay out "normally."

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi Stringer...
No, what I mean is a score that read left to right in single pages....
This one read top to bottom... as if the pages were attached at the bottom to the top of the next page.... vertically...
Normally my scores look just like you would print them... page to page... left to right... with page breaks....

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

But I am telling you on the attached score.... it reads top to bottom... not side to side.... :-)

When you look at it in the Navigator... it also reads top to bottom....
Don't know why... it just does....
I have since finished the score...and dealt with it this way...but really wanted to figure out how to undo that.... and know how to corrected it should I get another score like this one...
thanks JoJo!!!!!

In reply to by Shoichi

thank you!
I am looking at it on my laptop and it looks fine as you sent it... but I tell you on my desktop computer I tried it and it just wouldn't change....
I'll try it again in the morning.... when I go to my studio.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"When you look at it in the Navigator... it also reads top to bottom....
Don't know why... it just does...."

Because in menu Edit/Preferences/Canvas/ Scroll Pages: you have checked "Vertically" (instead Horizontally)
So, the Navigator displays top to bottom (or vertically!)

In reply to by cadiz1

yeah, checked that too.... there is just something wrong in that score on my computer.
The one that Shoici sent back to me lays out fine left to right... but the same score with Single Page view, and Scroll set to Horizontal on my computer still lays out vertically!
But thanks for all the help, I'll keep the the score I got from Shoici and press on!
much appreciation to all!!!!\

Jeff in Springfield MO

In reply to by bluewisp1955

Single Page view is vertically, that's the point of it - like a very tall single piece of paper. Think 1970's fanfold printer paper. So still separate systems you read left to right then top to bottom, but no special break between pages.

Continuous view is the horizontal analog of that - showing out one very wide system.

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