reduce the space between the "B" and the "b" in the Bb chord

• Dec 30, 2021 - 20:54

I can't find any instruction as to how to reduce the spacing in my chord names. The flat sign that follows the capital B in the chord for B-flat is way too far away from the B. It should be more like it appears in this text: Bb.

I sure hope someone can tell me how to correct it. Even the manual shows it correctly, but I can't seem to find the style adjustment to fix this problem.

BTW - The same is also true when I show a chord with a different bass note, as in: C/G. The slash appears way too far away from the letter (in this example "C"). My music looks more like C /G.

Thank you all for your help with this,


Almost certainly you are using a font that lacks a proper flat sign, so some other random font on your system is begin substituted, and that other font has space around the flat sign. Or the font you are choosing is one with the extra space. Either stick with the default font, or if using a non-=standard one (that won't be present on other people's systems, by the way), be sure to limit yourself to ones with a full set of music symbols in the proper locations (as per the Unicode standard). And also, apparently your font has too much space before the "/". Again, a more standard font like the default (or any of the alternate fonts included with MuseScore) should solve that.

If that doesn't solve it, please attach your score, as noted.

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