Octave line in mixed staff-tablature score

• Jan 1, 2022 - 18:58

How can I change the tablature notation when I add an octave line in the staff? If I put an E in the staff, the open first string E, I will have a nice zero in the first string in the tablature, but if I add an octave line over that E I hear the E an octave higher playing the score but the tablature still show a zero in the first string with the octave line above. This make's no sense because "octaving" the fingering have no meaning, I should see a twelve there instead of a zero with the octave line above so is there a way to make the tablature to show the twelve as aspected?

Schermata 2022-01-01 alle 19.46.04.png


Known issue, see: #29986: Ottava notes from music staff do not translate correctly to linked tablature
A workaround:
1. Your example (attached image): Step1.mscz
2. Add a second guitar to your score (only 1 staff in standard notation)
3. Copy-paste the contents of the 1st standard staff into the new third staff (standard)
4. Delete the ottava line of this third staff
5. Select this same third staff, and press Ctrl + up arrow to display at the desired ottava. You are here: Step5.mscz
6. Still for the third staff: go back to the "I" instruments dialog, and change the staff type -> this third staff should now be a TAB: Step6.mscz
7. One last time in "I" to delete the second staff (the original TAB).
8. Put back an ottava line in the remaining "second" TAB, and disable the playback (in Inspector) of this TAB staff: Step8.mscz


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