Reduct Space in Measure

• Jan 4, 2022 - 06:17

I would like to substantially reduce the spacing between notes, and between the last notes and the final bar line in the attached example.

I've tried various options in "Styles" and tried using the "{" key after selecting the measures but I can't seem to reduce the spacings. In fact, the "{" key seems to be having no effect.

How can I achieve this please?

Attachment Size
Plagal Amen Example.png 24.55 KB


Is that a single measure at the end of the score? If so append a horizontal frame and make that wider, until it squeezes that measure narrower

As mentioned, there is little we can tell from just a picture. But a few things I can say:

  • The "{" will reduce a measure's proportion of the total space on the system, allowing other measures on the same line the space to increase. After you hit the minimum, you can still potentially force other measures to grow using "}". Or if there is a horizontal frame, simply increase its size normally (eg, via the Inspector, it by moving its handle). If that is literally the only thing on the system, add a frame so there is something else to take up the space.

  • The space between the second half note and the barline pretty much needs to be there according to standard rules of notation - the space after the two half notes needs to be consistent in order for people to accurately read the rhythm. So no amount of playing with style settings will break that rule of notation.

  • If you do need to create a non-standard sort of notation where half notes don't have the same amount of space, the way to do that is via "leading space" adjustments in the Inspector. Negative leading space on the barline will create the effect where the half note takes only the amount of space of a quarter or shorter note.

Thanks for the various responses.
It is just a simple plagal amen, so it is just a single bar.
I have attached the file (sorry, I was unsuccessful with attaching it to the original post). I am a complete newcomer to this programme.

Attachment Size
Plagal Amen.mscx 5.81 KB

In reply to by eccles2

If the score is literall just this one measure, then append a horizontal frame (see Add / Frames). Then simply size the frame to be as wide as you like to take up the remaining space. First, though, bets to reset the manual adjustments you've made here while attempting to solve this - Ctrl+A to select all, then Format / Stretch / Reset Layout Stretch. As mentioned, stretch is only meaningful when there are multiple measures in play, as it affects the relative proportion of space allocated to each. Messing with it in cases like this leads to unpredictable results.

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