Meter beaming property and tablature staff beaming

• Jan 5, 2022 - 07:39

The attached score has a Time Signature property set to beam groups eighths in a 3-3-2 pattern:

     Tablature - Time Signature Beaming property DGDGBD Fpk GTb.mscz

This works perfectly and simply in a guitar 8vb treble clef ... but you can see the linked tablature staff doesn't automatically pick up the 3-3-2 beaming style from the linked 8vb staff. So I manually set the tablature staff's Time Signature beaming property—unfortunately it has no effect.

Presently I'm stuck with eighths beamed in a 4-4 pattern (MuseScore's default pattern) on the tablature staff ... even when the tablature staff's property shows a 3-3-2 beaming pattern.

Am I missing something?



Time signatures and their properties are per-staff, but indeed when staves are linked, seems that depending on the specific order in which you do things, you can end up in a situation where signals get crossed. If you remember, or can reconstruct, the specific sequence of steps that got you here, definitely submit it to the issue tracker as a bug.

Meanwhile, you can fix t by simply "cloning" the top staff time signature onto the bottom - Ctrl+Shift+drag it.

In reply to by wolfgan

It "clones" the element, basically a special form of copy/paste. It's mostly meant for adding elements to palettes - Ctrl+Shift+drag any elementto a palette for easy reuse. But it does happen to also work for copying certain elements that otherwise can't be copied directly, like time signatures, certain types of lines, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc!

Cloning the meter works splendidly. On the Mac the clone keystroke is Command-Shift Drag.

Good thing for me that the workaround is so simple, because I'm working on a larger piece (already three pages long) where the most measures are 3-3-2 but occasionally there are two measures beamed 4-4. Thanks for your insight on this and for providing the simple workaround!!


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc wrote > ... depending on the specific order in which you do things, you can end up in a situation where signals get crossed. If you remember, or can reconstruct, the specific sequence of steps that got you here, definitely submit it to the issue tracker as a bug.

Bug report posted:

#328098: Linked tablature staff doesn't show Treble clef's beaming pattern / And its beam pattern cannot be set with steps that worked for the treble clef.

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