How to move rhythm without copy-paste?

• Jan 7, 2022 - 11:18

Hi all,

I'm often confronted with the following problem: let's say I have 2 notes that I want to move to another bar, but I want the first note to be an upbeat to the next bar.


The way I usually do it is to first select the bar before, add in some random notes to arrive to the upbeat location, copy-and-paste my upbeat, then delete the notes I added.


That strikes me as quite inefficient! Do you know if there is a way to copy-and-paste directly as an upbeat? Or even better to move rhythm horizontally from beat to beat?

Thanks in advance,

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You can't paste on the desired beat without splitting the rest first, there is no beat indicator like in Dorico where you can paste where you want.
However, you don't need to introduce random notes to split the rest, just press 5 to split it in 2, then '.' to make the first half dotted and then you can paste on the 4th beat

Instead of notes (just to delete them later, which turns them into rests) enter rests directly, here a dotted half rest. Or (probably better) a half rest and quarter rest.

As mentioned, don't add notes then delete them to get rests, just add the rests directly. In note input mode, just as a letter enters a note, 0 enters a rest. Or just as left-clicking enters a note, right-clicking enters a rest.

Anyhow, cut and paste is indeed the way to move notes, whether moving to the previous measure on the same staff, to a place 100 measures away with lots of other things in between, to another staff in the same piece, or to another piece entirely.

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