Manipulating the content of two staves such that corresponding beats are no longer aligned

• Feb 17, 2022 - 20:34

I'm trying to replicate this look from a score:

In MuseScore it currently looks like this:

The key difference is that in the first image, the group of 8 notes in the upper saff are technically not aligned correctly with the notes in the lower staves. They are in the second image in MuseScore, however I much prefer the first option from a visual standpoint because then the notes in the lower staves all have the same spacing.

Is there a way to achieve the look from the first picture in MuseScore?

A minimal working example is attached.

Attachment Size
ideal.PNG 74.96 KB
musescore.PNG 45.02 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for the reply, but Local Relayout really didn't change much. What I would like to achieve is the vertical misalignment depicted by the red line in the following picture.


At the moment in MuseScore, this red line points straight down, causing the first group of notes in the lower staves to be stretched to the right.

I have also fixed and attached my example file which was previously corrupted.

Attachment Size
Alignment-fixed.mscz 88.58 KB

In reply to by oakley09

Well, that ain't ugly, but the way it should be, in order for the 6 16th in the lower staff to match the timings of that 8-let in the upper staff, resp. the start of 2nd and 3rd group of 16th in the lower staff to match the start of the dotted qusarter and dotted half in the upper one.

You could however play with the (single note!) chords' x-offsets

Attachment Size
Alignment-fixed.mscz 89.06 KB

In reply to by oakley09

It seems to me that the desired result may or may not be better or worse. The reality is that when parts are printed out (which is part of the point for having a score), the spaces do not exist. Different publisher will do different things. I think the original is more confusing. I depends on what else is going on on beat two.

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