Separate Grand Staffs

• Feb 25, 2022 - 00:20

OK maybe somehow I am not setting up the staffs correctly from the beginning but here is my problem. I set up a new project and I am using Grand Staffs so I have the Treble and Bass Clefts. I figure I need about 8 of them for the entire song/arrangement.

The only way I know of too add more grand staffs is to add them via an insturment I suppose or vocal. So because this piece is really only going to be played on a piano I just keep adding more piano grand staffs until I get the amount I need then of course I add my key signature and my time signature and click OK.

Anyway I add my notes for each line of the 1st verse on 4 of the grand staffs, of course each line is somewhat different with words and melody etc. The problem lies in the fact that upon playback instead of playing just the 1st grand staff then moving on to the 2nd grand staff all the way through, then moving on to the 3rd grand staff and finishing up with the 4th grand staff before the chorus it plays all 4 of the grand staffs together at the same time. How in the world do I separate each one of the grand staffs so that only one plays at a time. You know like a hymn, the pianist plays the 1st grand staff and we all sing along and then moves down to the 2nd individual grand staff to continue on and so fourth.

I think I have explained my problem the best that I could. I hope somebody knows what I mean and has an answer for me. Somehow I think all of the staffs are tied together because of a thin bar line going down through each one. if that is true I do not know how to get rid of that bar/line.


You wrote:
The only way I know of too add more grand staffs is to add them via an insturment.

You don't keep adding more grand staffs. What you need to do is add more measures to the end of the grand staff that is already there.
Use menu item: Add > Measures... > Append Measures, and then enter a number.


Also see system break here:

In reply to by Jm6stringer

OK thank you. Now I see where to adjust the space between the staffs {format-style-page} to make more room on the bottom , however I do not understand how to bring the 2nd staff closer up to the 1st staff... the 3rd staff closer to the 2nd staff and so on. I was looking for word for word instructions on how to do that but no luck.

In reply to by captain_roop


Normally, as you add more notation to a page, the staves adjust themselves subject to the distances set in Format > Style > Page.

To obtain advice targeted to your situation, please attach your score explaining in detail what you wish to accomplish. Staff spacing adjustments are available that can affect a single staff, all the staves on a single page, or on all the pages of your score. No one here can see what you are working on.
To attach a file:

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I had seen that chart before talking about min and max distances between staffs but it is still unclear to me how to adjust the grand staffs so that I can move the 2nd grand staff up to the first and the 3rd up to the 2nd and so on to make more room at the bottom of the last grand staff. When in format -style-page I changed the number value beside grand staff max distance and nothing happen. I tried selecting and highlighting the 2nd grand staff thinking it had to be highlighted first before changing the number value and still nothing. So the question remains is there any steps I must do first before I go to format style page and change the values, if so what? Am I changing the right number values to make this work? This is what I do not understand.

Before I go ahead and had notes and lyrics and so on I just want to get these grand staffs closer to each other. Right now there are 5 of them, could be more later.

In reply to by captain_roop

You don't need to do anything to make room - MuseScore automatically adjusts space as you add more measures. If you have only three systems, they are spread out to fill the page, but if you add enough measures to go to a fourth system, the others automatically adjust to make room. So, you don't normally need to mess with this at all.

That said, sometimes there can be situations where you might want to adjust spacing, but, it is almost never a good idea to mess with this until you are done entering notes. Because MsueScore is constantly adjusting spacing for optimum use of space, anything you to do to adjust spacing based on how the score looks while still incomplete will likely turn out to have been counterproductive by the timer you finish the score.

Once you're done entering notes, is the automatic spacing is not to your liking and you need help in tweaking it, just attach your score and we're happy to help.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, so to clarify! Do not add more instruments in the instrument dialog! Instead, add more measures to the single grand staff. This will make the staff overflow into the new rows. Since these new measurements are empty they will not take up much space, and there will not be that many systems. But as you add more notes the measures will become wider and overflow into more systems. After you have entered the notes you can worry about what measures goes into what system by adding breacks and streaching/shrinking measures.

Since you have already added notes in the other staffs, you can copy and paste those into the first system, after the notes you already added there. Then remove the other grand staffs in the instrument dialog.

In reply to by captain_roop

The problem is all those spacers you've added. They don't belong there. Remove them and things are normal. Again, don't mess with spacing until you're done, it will interfere with MsueScore's ability to do correct things automatically. You night think, there's not enough room for lyrics unless you add the spacers, but there is - MuseScore adds the space automatically as needed.

So again, just enter your music. When you're done, then you can start to consider if the spacing needs adjustment. And at that time, if you need further help, please attach the actual score, not just a picture of it. Then we'll be able to understand and assist better. But again, there is no point in thinking about this until after entering your notes. Unlike paint programs, MsueScore understands the rules of music notation and engraving and does the right things automatically in most cases, so you usually aren't forced to move things around manually all the time.

In reply to by captain_roop

You wrote:
Before I go ahead and had [add] notes and lyrics and so on I just want to get these grand staffs closer to each other. Right now there are 5 of them, could be more later.

Your score is completely empty. Formatting an empty score is not important at all. As you add lyrics, as you add high notes and low notes (with leger lines above and/or below the staff), the score automatically re-adjusts. Measures will stretch to accomodate the notes you add and they will move down to the next system (line of music) when necessary. If you format the score now because you prefer it to "look nice" when completely empty, you will have to do it all over again when the score is finished.
Of course, if you were printing blank manuscript paper, it would be a different story.

You wrote:
I wish you could easily do this like you can in a paint program.

MuseScore, is more than a simple graphics program. It strives to produce scores that are recognizable by musicians the world over, following rules and tradition established over centuries. It does a fine job on its own yet does allow for all kinds of "tweaking" so that you could, if you prefer, place the first note of your score within the title, or drag stuff all over the place, as one could do in a paint program.
Enter your notes, lyrics, etc. then return here with any formatting adjustments you may need to "polish" your masterpiece.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Point taken, so....
Formatting an empty score is not absolutely necessary.*

Yes... system and/or page breaks are also likely used by many (myself included) during note entry as a "quick" way to produce a rough, interim draft. (Earlier I did reference the handbook's 'Breaks" page.)

The OP initially was trying to play back the multiple grand staves of a system in sequential order; and is presently concerned about formatting an empty score, so that comment was primarily directed there.

*Unless printing blank manuscript paper... ;-)

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