Chorus Jumps

• May 5, 2022 - 10:14

I'm arranging a psalm that has 2 verses (2nd verse is one key higher) and 1 chorus. Order goes this way:
Chorus > Verse 1 > Chorus (same) > Verse 2 (+1 key) > Chorus (+1 key) > Ending

It's the 1st time I'm using jumps and after couple of google/youtube search I still cannot figure all the way through. The furthest I got is adding a D.S. al Fine at the end of Verse 1, adding a Segno symbol at the start of Chorus, and adding a Fine at the end of Chorus, but it stops playing after Fine.

I'm just hoping to continue the playback to jump on the 2nd verse and I think I can just make my score straight from there.

More power!


Of course to stops at the Fine, that's what a Fine is all about.
I guess though that instead you want a D.S. al Coda at the end of Verse 1, a To Coda at the end of the Chorus and a Coda at the start of Verse 2

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