Roman Numerals and Chord Diagrams

• Jul 24, 2022 - 06:52

On musescore v3.6.2 on Windows 10, I'd like to input roman numerals and guitar chord diagrams.

When I input a diagram after roman numeral in the first bar, it works as I expect.
When I input a diagram before roman numeral in the second bar, the chord name was replaced by the roman numeral.
When I input just a chord name of C before roman numeral in the fourth bar, it works as I expect.

Is it an expected behaviour in the second bar and am I missing something?

Attachment Size
Chord diagrams and numerals.png 9.01 KB


I can confirm that if you add a fret diagram first, then adding a Roman numeral will replace the chord symbol. That seems to be a bug. I don't see a good workaround other than maybe copy-pasting the fretboard diagrams somewhere else, then deleting them, then adding the RNA, then pasting the freboard diagrams back.

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