Feature request: allow for parentheses or brackets to be added to any element [Articulations Example]
Feature request: Allow for parentheses or brackets to be added to any element of the score.
Currently, as far as I know, parentheses can only be added to accidentals and notes (maybe one more thing or two).
Why this is important: Scholar and Urtext editions commonly use parentheses or brackets to indicate elements that are added or suggested by the editor rather than by the original source (e.g. manuscript).
Current workaround I know is to type parentheses in a text element and place it manually, which is horrible at least because any layout change will potentially break it.
There are some request here and there to allow parentheses or brackets to be added to elements other than accidentals and notes. This request is for a really universal and definitive solucion.
Possible implementations:
a) as a toggle in "Properties" (former "Inspector"), with an selector for "parenthees" () or "brackets" [];
b) as a palette item;
c) as a toolbar button.
Just yesterday I wanted to add parentheses to a chord symbol. Had to resort to a Text object workaround.
For chord symbols, just type the parentheses as part of the chord symbol - this is supported directly.
A periodic need in my string parts is to put up/down bow articulations in parentheses (to show section members should not all change their bow at the same time). Also have needed it at times to show certain string articulations are suggestions but not in the original.
As this issue tracker has been discontinued, re-request this on GitHub, https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/new/choose
In reply to As this issue tracker has… by Jojo-Schmitz
FYI to anyone who stumbles across this page--there is a GitHub feature request for this (at least for articulations) at https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/20592
+1 Asked about this a while ago, specifically about bracketed breath marks. I think there were a few other people also requesting it, so maybe that counts as "many", not sure
As noted above, this issue tracker is discontinued, so no need to worry about settings here. an issue is already open on GitHub so need to create a new one. The developers also prefer people refrain from “me too” comments on existing issues, but it’s probably harmless to click the thumbs up button.
In reply to As noted above, this issue… by Marc Sabatella
My bad. I often see "+1" comments on these types of posts. I thought that was the accepted way of keeping track of when the "many" threshold is reached (since creating another post would just be removed as a duplicate). Thanks. I'll keep an eye on the issue on GitHub.
It was the only viable way back when we were still using this older website for bug tracking. But with GitHub, it's no longer useful.