new user editing xml file

• Aug 29, 2022 - 21:50

This is driving me nuts. I am an old (2005) Finale user and am trying to edit an exported xml score with Musescore.
I am trying to correct bad spellings on notes. However I can't get it to stop ADDING a note when I try to select a note because I have no idea how to get it out of note entry mode. How do I get it out of note entry mode so I can just select a note?


Thanks I did figure it out but other things are similarly driving me nuts. I just don't want to get a new computer AND an upgrade to Finale just to make some (what could be) simple corrections to a score. I may have no hair that is not pulled out when I finally finish these "simple" corrections.

In reply to by bobjp

The problem is not with the score but with the fact that I am trying to "intuitively use" Musescore. I find things in directions online that don't exist so I can't do them.
Right now I'd like to a) add my copyright at the bottom of the page, and cannot find a way to do that. b) the names of the instruments in the parts are so small as to be unreadable, and I can't find a way to change the size of the font. It seems a lot of directions are for either earlier or later versions of musescore than what I have.
Musescore has crashed twice while I was trying to do things, which hasn't helped much. I managed my way through extracting parts, but they all have two measures at the end that go all the way across the page, and following directions through this site, I changed whatever that was from 30% to 100% but can't find any way to save it; it just reverts when I get out of that edit box.

In reply to by MysticTuba

At the moment, there are no later versions than version 3.6.2. Is that what you have? If not, where did you get your version from? What OS are you using? While the Handbook is not the easiest to use, it usually has the best information. Available at the top of this page or from within the software.

Try this. Lets say the word Flute at the top of the flute part is too small. With the part open, select the word flute at the top of the page. A box will open at the bottom of your screen. there you can change the size of the font.
Copyright is usually handled during score setup but this might help. Scroll down to Footer.

Think back to when you first started using Finale. I'm sure there was a learning curve.
But first, you need to be using the latest version of MuseScore.

In reply to by MysticTuba

Generally, Finale and MuseScore are very different. For someone not accustomed to either program, it ends up being pretty subjective which they might find more "intuitive", but if you're already used to one, no question - the other will seem completely unintuitive. That's because you're not actually relying on intuition" at all, but on your conditioned response from previous experience with different methods. But not to worry, keep at it, and you will "get" it.

Anyhow, definitely read the Handbook section on note input, also see my beginner tutorial here:

MusicXML import gets a lot of things right, but font sizes are pretty often way off for whatever reason. If you attach your score, we can understand and assist better.

Regarding the dialog, presumably you aren't hitting OK but are simply Canceling out of the dialog. On a few systems, the OS communicates the display resolution incorrectly to MsueScore causing it to render things too big, that could be happening for you, so you might not actually see there OK button. You'd have to go to the OS settings to fix that (eg, in the EXE properties on Windows). But for now, just hit Enter which is a synonym for OK.

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