MuseScore con NotePerformer!?

• Sep 8, 2022 - 08:51

vorrei sapere se MS4 supporterà il Vst NotePerformer, nel caso contrario dovrò continuare a lavorare con Dorico.
Grazie a chi mi darà risposta.
Buona Musica


Well, If you are happy with Dorico, why would you want to change?
By the way, you are on the English forum, please make the effort to express yourself in the language used on this forum (I am French myself, and I make this effort - with a translator, DeepL - it is not so complicated)
Otherwise, the answer to your question is negative, for good reasons. However, there is an alternative specific to MuseScore, described in other threads, just do a search (here e.g. :, go down to point 5, and "About VST & NotePerformer")
And I am pretty sure there are more detailed comments somewhere else on this forum.

In reply to by Claudio Riffero

MuseScore will not be able to support NotePerformer and time soon, but as the announcements about the alpha and other explain, there will be a new sound library called Muse Sounds available for free, and this is expected to be of comparable quality. We should be seeing it pretty soon, but I don't exactly when, a matter of days or a small number of weeks I expect.

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