My Musescore 3 file won't open.

• Sep 10, 2022 - 22:31

So I was composing this piece and I added a bit to many measures than inicially anticipated, so i tried to delete it and for some odd reason my computer ran into a problem and had to restart, when I tried to open musescore and try to work on my composition it said that it wasn't able to read it. If anyone can help me with this issue it would be greatly appreciated.


In reply to by yalf23

especially this part:
The backup file adds a period to the beginning of the file name (.) and a comma (,) to the end (e.g. if your normal file is called "untitled.mscz", the backup copy will be ".untitled.mscz,"), and the period and comma need to be removed from the name in order to open the backup file in MuseScore.

So, here's your score without the period and the trailing comma:

Does it work for you?

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